Vox Mirabilis Chamber Choir
is one of the most active and most creative ensembles in Hungary. Its name is known beyond Hungary’s borders and in almost all of Europe.
The Choir’s highest musical qualification is the ARS MAGNA certificate.
17th August 9.30
Csónakázó tó, Kemi horgony emlékmű névtábla avatás
23-25th August
Choir camp
14th September 19:00
Jézus Szíve templom
15th Szeptember 17:30
Orthodox Concert
Serb Orthodox church
13th October 10:00
Mozart: Coronation mass
Avilai Nagy Szent Teréz church
1st November
Béla úti temető
3rd December 18:00
Christmas concert
Viktória központ
4th December 17:30
Christmas concert
Aranybulla Könyvtár
The Vox Mirabilis Chamber Choir is a well-known and recognized music community – they had the possibility to perform traditional Hungarian sacred music at several occasions and venues. They can be proud of numerous prizes and their Ars Magna musical classification. Besides these, their volunteering activities can also serve an example to be followed to many of us. They are existing inside and for the community, leaving room for arts and spiritual experiences. Their cross-border concert tour confirms it all since they strengthened the national togetherness. “The human voice is the most beautiful instrument…” (Zoltán Kodály) Listening to the choir we can get out of the rushing world and may feel to have found peace. I am glad I met the conductor Katica Zemlényi at the conference held by One of Us in Budapest in 2017 and I really appreciate that I had the opportunity to listen to the choir at the Award Gala of Women for Hungary – it was a unique experience to me.
Vox Mirabilis – the choir of “amazing voices”. I have been observing the productions of the choir and its chorister, Katica Zemlényi for years. They are a special community and are working not only for self-entertaining, not barely for their audience’s sake, but also to make the music – that is so much loved by them – available for the most people possible.
The Vox Mirabilis is an especially creative team, which is able to be renewed and meet the challenges of the 21st century, but at the same time they are preserving the traditions of the 60-year history and are always sticking to the preservation of values. By citing Robert Schumann’s words I wish them successful work for the future and joyful concerts blessed by God. “Between familiar spirits there is a secret relationship arising at all times. Keep the circle tight, you, who belong together, so that the truth of art should shine and spread joy and blessing everywhere”
I found the name selection of Vox Mirabilis Chamber Choir very appropriate from more points of view. The choir consists of amazing voices. The choir has been improving amazingly under the direction of Katica Zemlényi as choriste. And the fact that an amateur choir organizes thematic concert series every year is also amazing. I think back with much pleasure to the Choral Workshop of the Chamber Choir of Székesfehérvár, where I participated as a guest singer and also to our two common concerts given together. I am sure that the Choir Wonder of Székesfehérvár will continue!